Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Our Wedding Part One: Getting Ready

I'm feeling a lil bummed right now guys. Mr. Wonderful has been gone for work since Monday morning and I am totally husband-sick. I miss hims. So, I've decided to share some of my most favoritest pictures from our wedding back in June 2011. I hope you enjoy!
Gold shoes. Duh.

My momma loves this one.

Ze Dress.

Writing my letter to Mr. Wonderful

Please notice the fake hair. We had tons of that junk all over the place.

This picture is so special to me because it is just me and the dress. I had tons of people by my side the entire day, so this is a rare glimpse that I am extremely thankful my photographers were able to capture.

Puttin' on ze dress.


Well, I hope you enjoyed taking a look at those. I wish all of you could have been there! I'll be back to some crazy cool post tomorrow, but look out for future wedding pictures! Oh, and if you are in need of a mad awesome photographer, check out Matt Lien. He was our wedding photographer and I can't say enough great things about him! Hope you're all having a happy day-send me some of those vibes!

xoxo Meg

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